Dr. Carolyn Grosso, PsyD

My practice involves children ages 3+ with emotional and/or behavioral symptoms.  The majority of my patient population includes children suffering from Anxiety (which can involve Separation Anxiety, Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), Depression and other mood-related issues, low self-esteem, Attachment Disorders, Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity-Disorder and behavioral disturbances.  Many of the children I work with come in to address socialization issues, either through 1:1 therapy or through my Social Skills Group for Kids. I specialize in diagnostic evaluations and treatment for pediatric populations. 

I use a supportive and individualized approach to treating my patients while implementing Cognitive-Behavioral methods to teach adaptive coping skills.  I work with families collaboratively to develop behavior-modification programs when needed to provide structure in the home.  I offer positive parenting techniques to reinforce pro-social behaviors.

To contact me directly, please call (914) 666-0511 or send an e-mail to DrCarolynGrosso@Gmail.com